Amazing kid’s chapter books series to re-read and love

Ten-kids-books-chapter books-children-book-series-that-are-great-to-re-read

Finding a great kids’ chapter books series for your child will keep them reading. These books can become such favourites that children will want to read and re-read them over and over again.

In this post we look at what’s great for kids about reading and re-reading a series of books. We feature one of our favourite books that is part of a series. And you can find some of the best children’s books series around.

My son has loved all the series I have included in this list. He has read several of them over and over. These are tried and tested great children’s books sets to get stuck into, read and re-read over and over. I hope you will find books your children will love too!

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A quick preview of our top chapter book series ideas

Here’s a quick look at the series covered in this post. It includes some of the best chapter books for kids to read. Below the table you will find detailed information about each of these great book series for kids. This post features chapter books. Some are starter chapter books which form a bridge to more confident reading, while others are more advanced.

Book series title, author and age rangeImagePrice and availability

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan

Age range: 10+

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The Shapeshifter series by Ali Sparkes

Age range: 9+

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My Brother is a Superhero series by David Solomons

Age range: 8+

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Warriors: The Prophecies begin series by Erin Hunter

Age range: 8+

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The How to Train Your Dragon series by Cressida Cowell

Age range: 8+

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The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Age range: 8+

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The Tom Gates series by Liz Pichon

Age range: 7+

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The Beast Quest series by Adam Blade

Age range: 7+

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The Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz

Age range: 9+

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An Awfully Beastly Business series by David Sinden, Matthew Morgan and Guy Macdonald

Age range: 8+

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The fun and benefits of re-reading a kids’ chapter books series

The age range for books in this post is roughly middle grade from 8-12. However, I also recommend 7+ books for children who are just getting started with chapter books. I’ve found that my son can shift between books rated for younger readers to much more complicated books. I would not worry about this as it is often fun to revisit old favourites. The best book series for kids are endlessly re-readable!


There are many benefits for children in re-reading the same books over again. For young children it is beneficial in helping to grasp vocabulary, fluency and confidence.

It’s great for older children too. They can unpick narratives and become more enthused about characters and worlds as they re-read. They might also notice plot hints that they missed before. It can be exciting for kids to re-read a series of cool children’s books that they love.

Books in a series can be great for encouraging children’s reading. After enjoying the first book, children will naturally move on to the next book. And by then re-reading the series, children can pick up on even more connections between the books.

They may feel rewarded when they notice a reference back to another incident or theme in the series. Their enthusiasm for the books, the narrative, the characters, and for reading, in general, can only grow.

A good children’s books series can be great value for money

Another great reason for offering a popular children’s book series to your children is affordability. It is often possible to buy full sets for much less than individual copies.

Where possible I have provided links to full sets of these book series. But remember it’s worth having a look around to see if cheaper options are available. Many popular children’s books to read are also available in second-hand outlets.

child reading kids chapter books in cafe

One of our favourite books from great kids’ books series

Viking history and mythology in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead

US edition

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan is the third book in the Magnus Chase series. Teenage Magnus discovers that his family life revolves around the mythology of ancient gods.

These books are great for boys and girls who find ancient myths and legends fascinating. If your kids or young teens love adventure and humour they will love Rick Riordan’s books.

These books also reward long-term fans of Rick Riordan’s heroic fiction. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase make guest appearances that fans will love. Readers who started with Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief can graduate through the series. Riordan’s books about myths and legends have become more advanced reading as the connected narratives have progressed.

UK edition

Based on myths and legends from ancient cultures; Riordan’s books feed interest in the beliefs of historical people. This series focuses on Norse mythology and explores the rich ancient stories of the Viking’s gods.

When my son first read the Magnus Chase series it complemented his learning at school. This fed his enthusiasm and interest in Viking mythology. He was working on writing his own version of a Viking myth for a school project. It’s great when education and fiction come together like that.

Children who love these books are sure to start looking for other books like Magnus Chase. This will further keep their enthusiasm for reading going.

There are three books in the Magnus Chase series. They are now all available in paperback and as a three book set. See further information below.

The Magnus Chase reading level and age rating for the trilogy is around 10+. However, my son started reading this series at around nine years old. Age ratings are always flexible and depend on your child’s interest level and reading needs.

Click here to see prices of Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead

About the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy

There are three books in the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan.

They are:

Click here to see prices and availability of the three book set

9 more good children’s chapter books series to try:

This list contains some of the best children’s book series to enjoy over and over again.

The Shapeshifter series by Ali Sparkes

This is an incredible series of children’s modern fantasy books. It’s all about the adventure of a boy called Dax Jones and his unique friends from COLA club. They all have amazing inherited abilities. Read my son’s opinion of the enticing series here. This is a great series of children’s books for girls and boys who love fantasy fiction.

Kids who enjoy books like Harry Potter and Alex Rider will enjoy The Shapeshifter series. The books delve into fantasy while also following a group of young people’s character development, trials and adventures. As the series develops the characters face increasingly tougher perils.

The Shapeshifter series includes six books.

They are:

A further five-book series by Ali Sparkes is also available. The events of Unleashed occur between Stirring the Storm and Feather and Fang. The story unfolds from the perspective of Dax’s friend, Lisa Hardman.

The age rating for these books is approximately 9+.

Click here to see prices and availability of The Shapeshifter collection set

My Brother is A Superhero, by David Solomons

My Brother is A Superhero started off a great series of books by David Solomon. There are now 5 books in the series about the adventures of Luke Parker. These books have been re-read so much by my son that our copies are quite worn out! This middle-grade book series is a great addition to any children’s books collection.

These good kids’ chapter books are funny and engaging and will suit children who love superheroes and comics.

The My Brother is a Superhero series so far consists of:

This series of books is great for young readers who have begun to get used to reading chapter books. The age rating is 8+. Although my son is now older he has also enjoyed reading the more recent sequels too.

Click here to see prices and availability of the books in the series

Warriors: The Prophecies Begin series by Erin Hunter

These books follow the adventures of six cat clans. This series of books really fed my son’s imagination. When reading it he began to create his own story about the adventurous past of our own dear cat! This is a great series which develops the character of each cat in a believable way as their saga continues.

Children who love adventure stories and the imaginative use of animal characters in fiction will love this book. It’s a Watership Down style adventure for children today – just with cats instead of rabbits!

The six books in the first series of Warriors books are:

Seven more series of books follow Warriors: The Prophecies Begin. They follow the cat clans’ continued adventures. And the story continues to grow.

The age rating for these chapter books for children is 8+. They are great for readers who have gotten used to chapter books and want to read more and more!

Click here to see prices and availability of Warriors: The Prophecies Begin

children's chapter book series how to train your dragon on bookshelf a great kids chapter book series

How To Train Your Dragon series by Cressida Cowell

The first book about dragon trainer Hiccup is exciting and funny. It introduced great characters including unlikely hero Hiccup. Ten more books followed and told an increasingly exciting story. This was one of the first series of books my son really got into. It’s an amazing adventure with charming and funny characters (as well as nasty ones!) along with plenty of laughs and excitement.

The dragon which Hiccup has a duty to train, Toothless, is adorable in his untrainable awkwardness. Despite the later books becoming more perilous, the books remain charming. This is a great series for young children to start early and read further as they get older. The age rating is 8+.

The eleven books that make up this children’s chapter book series are:

Click here to see prices of the How to Train Your Dragon full collection

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Of course, this series is well-known and any series book list could not be complete without it! The story of the boy wizard has to be one of the best children’s chapter books series around!

The story is so wonderful and the characters are so magical. The books have inspired so much reading joy in so many children (and adults!). Once my son started reading these he could hardly put them down!

The first book in this series is suitable for children aged 8+. However, the books do become more complex and deal with more serious themes as they progress. The unofficial age recommendation for the fourth to sixth books is 10+ and the rating for the final book is 12+.

My son read through the whole series when he was just over 9 years old. There was no stopping him! However, he needed some support with some of the darker themes of the later books. Age ratings are always flexible. It’s good to get recommendations on age guidelines. But it’s also great for children and parents to discuss this. Often you and your child can work out what books they are ready for between you.

If a child is finding a text too complex or mature they are likely to lose interest. That way you can tell if they are not ready for the next book of the series. They can always come back to the rest of the series later!

On the other hand, they may be racing on full steam ahead. That’s an indication that they are able to understand the more complex language and plot of the books. They may miss some subtleties. But they can pick up on those later if they re-read the series.

The seven Harry Potter books that make up the series are:

Click here to see prices for the full collection of Harry Potter books 

The Tom Gates series of books by Liz Pichon

The Tom Gates books are great for building young readers confidence. The everyday stories of Tom’s life are funny and creatively told. These children’s chapter books for age 7-9 create enthusiasm for books.

The series has lots of books, so there is a lot of material for kids to keep reading. I have a full guide to this book series here along with a recommendation from a parent. Her children felt a great sense of accomplishment from reading books from this kids’ chapter book series. Both her daughter and son found these books to be great early chapter books for girls and boys.

The author has had personal experience of dyslexia. She did not write the books solely for children with dyslexia. However, many families have found these books to be particularly helpful and appealing to readers who have dyslexia.

These books are great for children who are reaching towards the confidence of reading chapter books. They are great from 7+.

At the time of writing, there are 17 books in the Tom Gates series. They are:

Click here to see prices of this 15 book Tom Gates collection

The Beast Quest series by Adam Blade

This series is a great introduction to children’s chapter books series for younger readers. The fast-paced and exciting adventures in these children’s fantasy books will help the pages keep turning.

There is a huge number of books in this early children’s reading books series. Each book is self-contained so readers can really start anywhere. This makes the books very accessible. My son dipped in and read any of the books he could find in the library in any order.

There are currently over 20 Beast Quest series – between them containing over 100 books! Box sets of the books are an economical way to build a home library quickly! The box set featured above contains the first 3 series of 18 books.

These kids’ series books are great for children aged 7+ to get immersed in.

The first 18 books in the first 3 series are as follows:

Series 1: Where it all Began

Series 2: The Golden Armour

Series 3: The Dark Realm

Click here to see prices for the 18 book collection

The Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz

These books follow the adventures of a teenage spy. My son first picked up these books from the school library and quickly become a fan.

The perilous adventures of Alex are exciting and nerve-racking, yet leave children wanting to read more! These books are great for kids who love intrigue and adventurous plots.

There are 11 books in the Alex Rider series and we are expecting a new Alex Rider adventure from Horowitz in Spring 2020. A 10 book collection of the first 10 books is currently available.

This series is great for children aged 9+.

The series consists of:

Click here to see prices of the collection of the first 10 books

An Awfully Beastly Business series by The Beastly Boys

These great adventures, starting with Werewolf versus Dragon feature a boy called Ulf who happens to be a werewolf.

Ulf works with the RSPCB (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Beasts) protecting endangered beast species. Those who would profit from harming the wondrous beasts often threaten them.

The books connect with children’s enthusiasm for mystical creatures. They also imaginatively create a metaphor for the way humanity can endanger wild beasts.

My son started reading these books a few years ago after choosing one at a local book shop. He used his World Book Day token to buy it then. Since then we have found second-hand copies of other books in the series.

The Beastly Boy’s series contains books featuring a number of monsters from legends. If your children like children’s zombie books or werewolf books for kids they will love this series!

The Beastly Boys are a group of authors David Sinden, Matthew Morgan and Guy Macdonald.

This is a great series of books for kids aged 8+ who love fantastical themes. There are six books in the series which follow the adventures of Ulf and his friends at the RSPCB.

They are:

Click here to see prices and availability of books in the series

Which popular children’s books series have your kids loved? Are there books that have got them re-reading for more reading fun? Let us know in the comments below.

– Find lots more fantastic reads for children here at –

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Alex is the kind of parent who wants to discuss the latest hero movie or middle-grade book series on the school run. She grew up on the Lord of the Rings books and has a background in education & publishing. She believes all children & young people can enjoy wonderful story-telling and loves sharing ideas with others.