Our mega guide to all Rick Riordan books – from Percy Jackson to the Trials of Apollo (and beyond!)
This guide includes all books from Rick Riordan up to and including late 2023.
Rick Riordan’s books bring ancient mythology into the lives of his teen characters. The books take their readers on incredible journeys where ordinary kids meet legendary gods and monsters.
This kind of book series hooks children into a narrative world so they will eagerly move on to reading further books in the series. They have created huge enthusiasm for reading in our home. I hope they can do the same in yours too!
Riordan is a prolific writer, and so I’m cramming everything you need to know about all of Rick Riordan’s books in one article. Hold on to your hats, this article includes all Rick Riordan books in order and should be an epic adventure of a blog post!
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A QUICK OVERVIEW of the epic Rick Riordan books list!
This guide to Rick Riordan books is mainly focussed on titles which are part of the Percy Jackson narrative world. They include all books in the Percy Jackson universe up to 2023. And there’s lots of exciting news for Percy Jackson fans in 2023!
Riordan has written a brand new Percy Jackson book – Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods. It will be released in September 2023. Plus there’s a great new adventure featuring fan favourite Nico di Angelo. The Sun and the Stars was published in Spring 2023.
Other books by Riordan are also noted at the end of this Rick Riordan reading order. The list also includes his 2021 release, Daughter of the Deep.
About Rick Riordan – and why we are fans
The Percy Jackson author writes fiction not only about Greek but also Roman, Egyptian and Norse mythology. Riordan ties all these worlds together in a connected story world.
My son has been reading Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan since the age of nine. The books are exciting and funny. They also inspire him to find out more about the classic Greek legends that suddenly collide with Percy’s life.
As the ever-growing Rick Riordan books series grows its characters and themes mature too. This makes it perfect for young readers who can start with the Percy Jackson books and move on to further Percy Jackson side books and spin-offs as they get older.
My son is now a few years older than when he first picked up a Percy Jackson book, but he still looks forward to the release of new books by Rick Riordan.
We love the way that the books draw on exciting stories and characters from ancient mythology; such as the fearsome Medusa and the terrifying sea monster Scylla. The Percy Jackson spin off books have seen the additions of Norse and Egyptian mythology. They are fascinating reading for all youngsters who love stories of ancient gods and goddesses.
We really like the way that Riordan integrates the mythology of different cultures into one huge story world. It’s fun and rewarding to long-term readers that characters can move across the different books and support each other.
The way in which Riordan writes an expansive universe of characters that are so different and yet all connected is creative and immersive. The love that young readers show towards the characters can be seen in the huge amounts of fan art and fan fiction which is shared.
While developing a large cast of unique young people Riordan writes characters with a diversity of race, gender, sexuality, religion and disabilities. This means more young people can find representation like themselves in these stories.
Age range for Rick Riordan’s books
Children and young adults who are interested in mythology and who love action and adventure, as well as great character development will love Riordan’s children’s books.
While the Percy Jackson books reading level is 9 plus, the further chronicles and book series develop in maturity and interest level, so that readers can continue to enjoy the series as they get older.
If you want to find out all about the Rick Riordan book series and approximate age recommendations for each book, check out our full guide below.
This list of Rick Riordan books includes Rick Riordan’s final book from The Trials of Apollo series. Plus we answer many important questions including, how many books are in the Percy Jackson series? You’ll find this guide useful if you want to know what order to read Rick Riordan books. However take into considertation that many of the adventures can be enjoyed as stand alone reads.
Rick Riordan books in order
The Percy Jackson series

Onwards to the list of books! (Detail from The Titan’s Curse book cover – from the Percy Jackson complete series)
We start our bumper Rick Riordan book list by answering that all-important question.
Q. How many Percy Jackson books are there?
A. Six.
There were initially five books in The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. This article has been updated in 2023 to include the sixth Percy Jackson book The Chalice of the Gods.
The initial five books were the first mythology series by Riordan. If you are looking for a Rick Riordan book reading order these are the place to start.
Percy Jackson also plays a role in many of the following books and helps tie together the overall narrative of the growing series of chronicles.
So what is the first Percy Jackson book? Let’s get started on our list of Percy Jackson books.
The very first of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
Percy Jackson Books in order
Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief
The Percy Jackson book order starts with Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It is an exhilarating start and introduces the first series of Rick Riordan Greek gods books. Twelve-year-old Percy is struggling at school, can’t stand his sleazy stepfather Gabe, and loves his Mum, Sally Jackson.
The Percy Jackson first book is written from Percy’s perspective. The book throws the reader right into the action with Percy, as startling events begin to occur around him.
On a school trip, Percy’s teacher Mr Brunner retells the story of Zeus defeating the Titan, Kronos. At this point, this story is no more than a fascinating myth to Percy, but it is part of the growing narrative that will take over his life and span further adventurous books.
Later, Percy is attacked by a maths teacher – who turns out to be a Fury. Percy doesn’t yet know that Mr Brunner is a centaur, his best friend Grover is a satyr and that he himself is a demigod.
After Percy’s mother is attacked by the Minotaur, Percy arrives at Camp Half-Blood where he meets other demigods including Annabeth Chase, a daughter of Athena.
But it’s only when it is revealed that Zeus’s lightning rods have been stolen that the adventure really begins. Percy, Annabeth and Grover set off on a quest to retrieve them and quell Zeus’s anger.
Approximate age range: 9+
Click here to see prices and availability of Percy Jackson Book 1
Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters
The next book of the Percy Jackson series in order sees Camp Half-Blood under attack and threatened. The power of the tree of Thalia that protects the camp is failing.
Percy learns that he has a half-brother, Tyson, who is also a son of Poseidon. After Grover goes missing, Percy sets out with Annabeth and Tyson to rescue his friend, find the Golden Fleece and heal Thalia’s tree. In The Sea of Monsters, Percy has to face an old friend who has become an enemy as well as new monsters too.
Approximate age range: 9+
Click here to see prices and availability of Percy Jackson Book 2
Percy Jackson and The Titan’s Curse
As the Percy Jackson novels progress, more characters join the action to support Percy. In the third book of the Percy Jackson book series, Grover locates demigods Nico and Bianca to join the population of Camp Half-Blood.
More trouble is stirring as the Titan Kronos plots to create more danger for the demigods. And to make matters worse the goddess Artemis, who has been tracking a new threat is missing.
Approximate age range: 9+
Click here to see prices and availability of Percy Jackson Book 3
Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth
The fourth Percy Jackson book sees the growing threat of war between the gods and the Titans reaching a crisis point.
Percy and Annabeth discover the Labyrinth which could be a route for the invasion of Camp Half-Blood. They must go on a quest to destroy the Labyrinth and secure the protection of the camp.
Approximate age range: 9+
Click here to see prices and availability of Percy Jackson Book 4
Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian
Percy is now nearly 16 years old and has faced many battles and adventures. The final book of this five-book series reaches a climax connected to a prophecy that has followed Percy throughout his youth.
As Kronos’s Titan army advances on New York to attack Mount Olympus, the demigods make a final stand with the Olympians. Like all Percy Jackson books, the finale of the series is a thrilling read.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability of Percy Jackson Book 5
And check out the Percy Jackson box set of the five-book-series.
The Rick Riordan Percy Jackson Books 1-5 are also available in graphic novel format.
Click here to see prices of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians graphic novels
Additional Percy Jackson titles
There are a few extra Percy Jackson books you might want to check out.
The Demigod Files
This additional title complements the Percy Jackson & The Olympians books. The Demigod Files provides three extra Percy Jackson adventures, interviews with campers and a letter from Rick Riordan.
The stories which add to the Lightning Thief series include “Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot”, “Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon” and “Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades”.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
Camp Half-Blood Confidential
Camp Half-Blood Confidential includes an introduction from Chiron (aka Mr Brunner) and notes from Percy and other residents. This guidebook to Camp Half-Blood provides all the information that a new arrival at the camp needs to get settled in.
Approximate age range: 9+
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Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods
and Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
In these books, Percy Jackson retells the stories of the Greek gods and the Greek Heroes in his own unique and humorous style.
Other additional books that support the series include Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide and The Percy Jackson Colouring Book.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices of Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods
here to see prices of Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes
The Heroes of Olympus series
In the Rick Riordan Heroes of Olympus series, the epic clashes between demigods and monsters continue. However, in this series, Riordan expands the Percy Jackson world to include Roman deities, myths, legends and demigods!
The broadening of the range of central characters in the narrative brings different perspectives, with the focus shifting to different characters throughout the series.
The Lost Hero
In Rick Riordan’s The Lost Hero, Jason, Piper and Leo are introduced to the world of Camp Half-Blood when they discover they are demigods. Jason has lost his memory and it is eventually revealed that he has spent time at Camp Jupiter – a Roman camp of demigods.
The three heroes set off on a quest to rescue Piper’s father from a giant, while a conflict is growing between the Olympians and Gaia – the mother of giants. The occupants of Camp Half-Blood look to Camp Jupiter for support in this conflict, while also attempting to locate the missing demigod Percy Jackson.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Son of Neptune
The second Heroes of Olympus book finds Percy Jackson also suffering from memory loss and having made his way to Camp Jupiter. The book further explores the mirroring of the world of the Greek gods by the more war-like Roman gods.
Percy’s quests take him to Alaska with new friends Hazel and Frank who are Roman demigods.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Mark of Athena
This book brings together Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Jason, Piper, Frank and Hazel. The Roman and Greek demigods must work together as the threat of Gaia and her giants grow.
But there is a history of conflict between the Roman and Greek gods. In order to unite the sides, the heroes must first complete a quest to retrieve the Athena Parthenos.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The House of Hades
In Rick Riordan’s House of Hades Annabeth and Percy have to find a way to escape the Underworld. Meanwhile, the other demigods have a hard choice to make.
They must journey to Greece to close the Doors of Death so that Gaia’s army cannot be reborn, which could leave Percy and Annabeth stranded in the Underworld forever.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
The Blood of Olympus
While there is still no peace between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, the seven demigods from both sides persevere to prevent bloodshed and to prevent Gaia from rising.
The conclusion to The Heroes of Olympus series is dramatic and compelling.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
The Lost Hero and The Son of Neptune are also available as graphic novels.
Additional Heroes of Olympus titles
The Demigod Diaries
This is a collection of short stories focussing on different demigods from Percy Jackson’s world.
It includes a story about Leo, plus a story from the perspective of Luke, set before the events of the Percy Jackson series when he changes his allegiance. Rick Riordan’s son Haley Riordan, also contributes a demigod story.
Approximate age range: 10+
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Let’s move on to the extended Riordanverse reading order – Rick Riordan books in order after Percy Jackson. These books exist in the same mythological universe but introduce new perspectives of global mythology and new characters. First up is The Kane Chronicles.
The Kane Chronicles series
Rick Riordan’s Kane series explores Egyptian mythology in this trilogy featuring brother and sister Sadie and Carter Kane.
The Kane Chronicles series is set within the same world as Percy Jackson’s and is narrated in turn by the siblings. Riordan again brings great humour to the voices of young characters.
The Red Pyramid
Sadie and Carter have grown up separately and have been reunited by their father who is an Egyptologist. When their father’s experiment goes badly wrong at The British Museum and he is banished by Set, the siblings find themselves in the midst of a mythical adventure.
They learn that their family are descended from the pharaohs and are part of a community of magicians. Carter and Sadie also find out that they host the Egyptian gods Horus and Isis. The Red Pyramid has long been one of our favourite books about magic in our home.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
The Throne of Fire
The Kanes have worked on honing their power and learning how to control magic at Brooklyn House. But the young magicians face further danger and a huge challenge as the chaos snake Apophis threatens to break free and end the world.
The brother and sister must stop Apophis. They plan to bring forth the sun god Ra by using more powerful magic than they are ready for. But first, they have to locate the three sections of the Book of Ra and find out where Ra actually is.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Serpent’s Shadow
Carter and Sadie Kane face their greatest challenge yet to restore Ma’at and stop Apophis. There is only one way to save the day, and it’s going to be extremely dangerous for the brother and sister.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
Each book of the Kane trilogy is also available in graphic novel format.
Additional Kane titles
Brooklyn House Magician’s Manual
This survival guide to joining the community of Brooklyn House provides resources for coping with life among Egyptian gods and magicians. Initiates can read guidelines from characters like the Kane siblings and their friends, including a few of the gods themselves.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
The Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles Adventures
Demigods and Magicians
This collection of short stories brings demigods Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase together with magicians Carter and Sadie Kane. The four young heroes take on more mythological monsters in an amazing team-up.
The collection includes Rick Riordan’s “The Son of Sobek”, “The Staff of Serapis” and “The Crown of Ptolemy”.
Approximate age range: 9+
Click here to see prices and availability
The Magnus Chase series
The Rick Riordan Magnus Chase series brings Norse mythology into the growing myth-inspired world that began with Percy Jackson.
I find Norse myths fascinating and the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard books are the Riordan books I love the most.
Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer
Rick Riordan’s Sword of Summer introduces a new set of characters and of course gods and monsters too. Magnus is sixteen years old, has been living on the streets, and his adventures begin the day he dies.
When his uncle Randolph leads Magnus Chase to find the Sword of Summer he is attacked by the fire giant Surt with fatal consequences. After his death, Magnus wakes in Hotel Valhalla, having been brought there by Sam (Samirah), a Valkyrie.
Magnus finds out that he is the son of the Norse god Frey, and is now one of the honourable dead (or einherjar) who will fight alongside the gods at the end of the world – Ragnarok. But in the meantime, imminent danger is on hand as the bindings of the great wolf Fenris threaten to break.
Magnus sets out to rebind Fenris with the help of his friends, Hearth, Blitz and Sam. Along the way he discovers the amazing qualities of his friends and that Thor is nothing like he is in the movies!
Approximate age range: 10+
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Magnus Chase and The Hammer of Thor
Rick Riordan’s Norse series continues in book two of the Magnus Chase trilogy. Thor’s hammer is missing and Magnus must work with his friends to recover it.
In the meantime, he meets Alex Fierro, who is genderfluid and has recently joined the warriors of the honourable dead at Hotel Valhalla. The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in Rick Riordan novels including Alex and Nico Di Angelo has earned the author deserved praise.
Like Sam, Alex is a child of Loki. In The Hammer of Thor, Loki becomes a greater threat and attempts to manipulate Magnus and his friend to increase his power.
Approximate age range: 10+
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Magnus Chase and The Ship of the Dead
Rick Riordan’s Magnus Chase series continues in the third book of the trilogy. The novel opens with a guest appearance from Percy Jackson and Magnus’s cousin – Annabeth Chase.
Loki and his followers plan to trigger Ragnarok. Magnus must travel with his friends and fellow einherjar to find Kvasir’s mead to give him a chance to defeat Loki at a flyting.
Throughout their adventure Sam fasts during Ramadan. Their journey takes them to York in the UK, where Alex uses her pottery skills to defeat a giant. They then must travel on to Flåm in Norway to recover the mead. Finally, they face Loki and his armies.
Approximate age range: 10+
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Additional Magnus Chase books
Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds
This fun guide for occupants of Hotel Valhalla answers the questions all new einherjar will have about their future home so that hotel manager Helgi won’t have to.
Approximate age range: 10+
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9 from the Nine Worlds
In Norse mythology the nine worlds – Asgard, Midgard, Nidavellir, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Helheim, Niflheim, Vanaheim and Muspellheim are connected by the World Tree – Yggdrasil. The nine stories in this collection are voiced by characters from the Magnus Chase series and take part in each of the nine worlds.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Trials of Apollo series
The Trials of Apollo books follow the adventures of the fallen god Apollo. Having angered his father, Zeus, Apollo is banished to Earth to live as a human.
The Hidden Oracle
When Apollo finds himself in a dumpster and in danger from muggers, he is helped by two demigods – Percy Jackson and Meg McCaffrey – to reach safety at Camp Half-Blood.
While Apollo is trying to adjust to life as teenage Lester Papadopoulos, the residents of Camp Half-Blood have other worries. Demigods are going missing and the Oracle of Delphi is unable to foresee the future.
Approximate age range: 9+
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The Dark Prophecy
In The Trials of Apollo Book 2, Apollo/Lester seeks to regain his place as a god by questing to restore the abilities of several oracles. The book features the return of several characters from earlier books by Riordan, including demigods and fan favourite Grover Underwood.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Burning Maze
In the third book of the Rick Riordan Apollo series, Lester continues his quest to restore the oracles. Meanwhile, Camp Jupiter is under threat from evil Roman emperors. Lester continues to work with Meg – a daughter of Demeter – who is bound to him after rescuing him from muggers. They are joined by Grover, who can guide the way as they journey through the Labyrinth.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Tyrant’s Tomb
The fourth book in the series follows Lester’s continued quest to restore the oracles. The adventure is now overshadowed by the tragic loss of a demigod friend.
The remaining Roman demigods make a last stand against the emperor’s attack. Lester must face his greatest fear in an ancient tomb. The new Rick Riordan book ups the stakes for the newest and oldest heroes that fans love.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Tower of Nero
The last book in The Trials of Apollo series sees Apollo’s story as Lester reach a dramatic conclusion. The hero hopes to regain his godly form in The Tower of Nero. But first, he must face Nero. He and Meg head back to Manhattan to challenge the terrifying emperor.
Approximate age range: 10+
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The Sun and the Star
There’s great news for fans of Riordan’s with the release of a brand-new adventure in 2023. From the World of Percy Jackson – The Sun and the Star – A Nico Di Angelo Adventure is out now. Rick Riordan has co-authored the book with Mark Oshiro. The much-loved character Nico, a son of Hades is back.
He teams up with his boyfriend, a son of Apollo, Will Solace. They set out to discover why Nico is being haunted by voices from the underworld. The quest sees them come across challenges that lead to facing demons – both literal and personal.
Approximate age rating: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
Percy Jackson and The Chalice of the Gods
The excitement keeps coming. 2023 sees a long-awaited-for adventure all about the hero that started it all. Percy Jackson is back in a new novel for 2023 by Riordan! Percy has popped up in many of the books that followed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. But this will be his first full-length novel since then. Fan favourites Annabeth and Grover will join him, the dream team!
This book could be seen as Book 6 of the original Percy Jackson series. However, Riordan himself has described it as “kinda” Book 6. It’s set during Percy’s final year of High School and is not directly connected to the events of the first five books. It can be read as a stand-alone adventure.
The release coincides with the build-up to the new Disney+ TV show release. The show, Percy Jackson and the Olympians has had Riordan’s full involvement. It looks set to be stunning. The new novel, Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods comes out in September 2023. You can get your pre-orders in now.
Approximate age rating: 10+
Love Camp Half-Blood? Get the hoodie!
If you are looking for a gift for a Riordan book fan, Camp Half-Blood hoodies and t-shirts are a great option! Camp Jupiter tops are also available.
Click here to see various sizes and colours
Other recent Rick Riordan books
Rick Riordan’s recent books include Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio’s Journal which was released in May 2020.
Click here to see prices and availability of Camp Jupiter Classified
Despite finishing The Trials of Apollo series, Rick Riordan is still keeping very busy. He’s currently working with Disney on an exciting new adaption of Percy Jackson for TV. He’s also helping to support other authors through the Rick Riordan Presents series. And his 2021 book Daughter of the Deep kicked off a whole new world of adventure.
The new Daughter of the Deep book by Rick Riordan
The adventure is a homage to the Jules Verne classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Written in 1870, Verne’s book inspired Riordan to write a sci-fi adventure with a female lead, Ana Dakkar. Ana is a high-school kid who learns she has an unusual family background. Riordan has been working on the idea for over a decade. And he even learnt to dive to research the underwater experience! The book was released in October 2021.
Approximate age range: 10+
Click here to see prices and availability
But how many books has Rick Riordan written in total?
While the main focus of this article is the Rick Riordan books series that revolve around ancient mythology, the Rick Riordan bibliography also includes other titles, and I cover more of those in brief below. Including the titles below, Rick Riordan has written more than 43 books!
The Maze of Bones – Book One of The 39 Clues
The 39 Clues is a series of books written by different authors, the first in the series is by Rick Riordan. In this mysterious adventure, Amy and Dan Cahill take on an incredible challenge and begin an around-the-world chase to find 39 clues and win untold riches.
Approximate age range: 9+
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Adult Fiction by Rick Riordan
Tres Navarre is a series of seven adult fiction titles by Rick Riordan. Navarre is a private detective who also happens to have a PhD in Medieval studies.
Riordan has also written Cold Springs, an adult fiction about relationships, murder and redemption.
A few quick Rick Riordan facts
- Many Riordan fans refer to him affectionately as Uncle Rick.
- Riordan began writing fiction when he was a teacher.
- Riordan champions underrepresented authors and cultures by supporting the “Rick Riordan Presents” imprint of Disney Hyperion, (more about that below!)
- The Percy Jackson books author was inspired by his son Haley to create the character of Percy Jackson character for bedtime stories. Like Haley, Percy has dyslexia and ADHD.
- It took Riordan around three nights to tell Haley the story of Percy’s quest to find Zeus’s lightning bolts – after which Haley suggested Riordan should write the story down as a book.
- Riordan has won multiple awards for his writing, including the Stonewall Book Award for Children’s Books for Magnus Chase Book 2: The Hammer of Thor. If you would like to read the transcript of Riordan’s acceptance speech, pondering “What is an old cis straight white male doing up here?”, check it out here.
Percy Jackson TV series and other adaptions
In 2020 Riordan and his wife, Becky, founded a production company to oversee TV and film adaptions of Riordan’s work. The Disney + show Percy Jackson and the Olympians looks like it will be released in early 2024.
Fans can also look forward to a live-action movie of Riordan’s Daughter of the Deep on Disney + which is now in development. And the Riordan’s are working with Netflix to create a treat for fans of the Kane Chronicles. The Red Pyramid live-action movie is currently being scripted.
Rick Riordan Presents
If you are looking for more books like Percy Jackson for children or young people, the range of books featuring mythology in middle-grade fiction is growing. This is partly thanks to the work of authors like Riordan.
Many children and young people are looking for books that reflect the myths and legends from their own or other cultures. And with that in mind, “Rick Riordan Presents” publishes books from underrepresented cultures. Each book is introduced by Rick Riordan.
However, these books are not by Rick Riordan and they are not connected to the Percy Jackson narrative and universe. They are independent and original stories by authors writing about folklore and legends which are underrepresented.
One of the recent books from “Rick Riordan Presents” is The Storm Runner by J. C. Cervantes.
Books published on this imprint so far include:
- Aru Shah and The End of Time by Roshani Chokshi,
- Aru Shah and the Song of Death by Roshani Chokshi,
- Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi,
- The Storm Runner by J. C. Cervantes,
- The Fire Keeper by J.C. Cervantes,
- Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee,
- Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez,
- Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia
- Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse
- Paola Santiago and the River of Tears by Tehlor Kay Mejia
- City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda
- The Last Fallen Star by Graci Kim.
- Winston Chu vs. the Whimsies by Stacey Lee
- Last Canto of the Dead by Daniel José Older
- The Last Fallen Realm by Graci Kim
- Fury of the Dragon Goddess by Sarwat Chadda, and many more!
Click here to see prices and details for these books
What do you think?
What is the best Rick Riordan series? Who are your favourite Rick Riordan characters from the epic adventures that started with Percy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Check out more amazing children’s and young adult books here. If your kids love the Rick Riordan books they might also enjoy the Skulduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landy. Check out our full guide here.
– Find lots of great reading and ideas for all ages here on readinginspiration.com –
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